Joe Scarborough did not mince his words as to what Republican politicians ripping off their base and what the GOP has become.
Joe Scarborough did not mince his words.
Joe Scarborough used the grilling that Rand Paul and other Republican hacks gave to Anthony Fauci to point out the unfortunate truth about Republican politicians and the GOP. To be clear, Anthony Fauci fought back and exposed the Republicans by making them look ill-informed and disingenuous.
“They are all grifters,” Joe Scarborough said. “It is hard to be a lot of people who have been a target of these sort of attacks, doctor Fauci, one of them. … It comes down at the end of the day, people just being grifters. We are getting more and more evidence of that as more and more text messages are leaking. People say one thing on television and they say something else off television. … People are using this to raise money.”
Joe went on to say they are also using the conspiracy type attacked to get clicks and bring traffic to their networks. He said that the Stop-The-Steal fiasco was but a million-dollar scam.
But there is more. Scarborough referenced a Washington Post article that spoke about Republican scammers fighting each other over their slice of the pie, the portion of the Republican base to rip off. Scarborough calls the grift the PTL Club Scheme.
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