Stephanie Ruhle asked a question that a panelist used to scold her and the media ever so slightly but without malice.
Did Stephanie Ruhle really ask that?
Stephanie Ruhle did a segment on Joe Biden’s successes, specifically his ability to get more judges than most confirmed. Ruhle asked a question apparently forgetting who she was.
“Biden is getting a lot more done on the bench front than people realize,” Stephanie Ruhle said. “Republicans get credit for the Federalist Society, all those judges Trump appointed. However, Biden got more federal judges confirmed in 2021 than any first-year president since Reagan, 40 in his first year. Trump got 23. Why isn’t this getting more attention? It’s a very big deal.”
With a smile on her face, the legal analyst, Melissa Murray, returned a question.
“I could turn the question back on you, Stephanie,” Melissa Murray said. “Why isn’t the media reporting this. Because this is the true success of Biden’s domestic agenda, and it’s not simply that he has been absolutely assiduous and getting his nominees through. The nominees look very different from what we’ve seen for a long time. Historically nominees to the federal courts have been drawn from the ranks of prosecutors big-firm lawyers. He’s completely turned this around. Not only is there a demographic diversity, there’s diversity in the kind of professional experience that these nominees have, public defenders, labor side lawyers. I mean it’s, the array is absolutely staggering, and again it looks more like the legal profession than perhaps it ever has.”
Stephanie Ruhle agreed. She kind of knew it was coming. She agreed that the media needed to talk more about it and continued with the substantive discussion.
Time and again, many in the media ask why Democrats and Progressives are not talking about issue after issue. It isn’t that they are not talking about it. Too often, a Republican or neoliberal narrative has co-opted the media. While it isn’t malicious in the case of Stephanie Ruhle, it is so for many others in the so-called mainstream media.
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