The hyperventilating childish Sen. Lindsey Graham stormed out of the SCOTUS nominee hearing after being neutered by Sen. Dick Durbin.
Sen. Durbin dings Graham..
Senator Lindsey Graham made a fool of himself today. It was clear he was trying to find a reason to vote against Supreme Court Judge Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson. His ending comment from the first round of questioning said it all.
Graham challenged her on defending Guantanamo detainees and attempted to make her responsible for several groups that preferred her over his preferred nominee.
“Okay. And so we’ll have 20 minutes more later on,” Lindsey Graham said. “But here’s what I would say, that every group that wants to pack the court, that believes this court is a bunch of Right-Wing nuts that are going to destroy America, that consider the Constitution trash all wanted you picked. And this is all I can say is the fact that so many of these Left-Wing radical groups that would destroy the law as we know it declared war on Michelle Charles and supported you is problematic for me. Thank you.”
Senator Dick Durbin followed and systematically destroyed Graham’s narrative.
“Senator Graham let me mention a few points here,” Senator Dick Durbin said. “Congressman Jim Clyburn was a strong supporter of Michelle Childs, and now I believe he is publicly supporting your nomination. And Michelle Childs has been nominated by President Biden to be a circuit judge. And she will be considered by this committee as quickly as possible on the issue of Guantanamo that are currently 39 Guantanamo detainees remaining. The annual budget for Guantanamo is $540 million per year, which means each of these detainees is being held at the expense of 12 or $13 million per year if they would be incarcerated at Florence, Colorado, the supermax prison, federal prison. The amount would be dramatically less since nine 11 nearly 1000 convicted in the United States on terrorism charges since 2009.”
And what did Graham do? He hyperventilated and then stormed out.
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So, in Lindsey’s mind, the mature way to resond to things not going your way, is to insult the group that’s in the majority and which disagrees with you, tell them why you’re right, without giving any reasons, then stamp your widdle foot and storm off in an epic pout. So, very very Mature.
Beauregard didn’t have a problem with stopping Obama from nominating a judge and ramming Barrett and Kavanaugh through the nomination. So who is trying to destroy the Court you hypocritical bastard?
She is looking more qualified than those that are currently sitting on the court. I am all for her being placed on the court. I am amazed at how many in the conservative party want to continue to destroy democracy.