Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said recently that she would be supporting Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for Justice to the Supreme Court.
Susan Collins will confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson
“In the end,” Susan Collins said. “I decided that she had the qualifications, the experience, and the credentials that we require of a Supreme Court justice and warranted my support.”
A reporter asked Senator Collins what did the judge qualify. Her answer was less than complete. It is all political.
“We had an in-depth discussion of many of the cases that were brought up at the hearings, and she explained in more detail her careful, thoughtful reasoning,” Collins said. “I didn’t always agree with the results that she came up with, but I had no doubt that she applies a very careful approach to the facts of the case when she is judging.”
When asked why she came out of the decision before the vote, she said she had pretty much heard enough.
“Well, the hearings have been completed and I said from the start that I wanted to make sure that I listened to the hearings because you never know what issues are going to come up,” Collins replied. “And indeed, there were issues that were raised. And then yesterday, I had another hour-long one-on-one meeting with her, and at this point, I felt I had all the information that I needed to reach a decision.”
Collins said she informed the Republican leaders of her decision with terse notice before going public. I wonder why? Do you think she was concerned that they would mount a pressure campaign? She would have done several groups a disservice and prove indeed that Republican group-think was unbreakable.
When asked about other Republicans voting yes to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson, she did not have any new information to add.
“I have no idea what my other Republicans colleagues will do,” Susan said. “You’ll just have to ask them where they are.”
Maybe Vice President Kamala Harris’ vote will not be necessary. Jackson will get bipartisan support. I expected this vote from Susan Collins, but one can never be sure.
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