Donald Trump’s niece Mary did not pull punches as she explained his narcissism and, more importantly, the complicity of his dad.
Trump’s niece analyzes Trump’s pathology.
Lawrence O’Donnell highlighted a recent Trump speech where he implied he was a genius given his lineage. There is a physicist in the family and a judge. So he gets upset that people think he is stupid. Of course, right after implying the state of his mental prowess in that speech, he immediately did something less than bright as he looked at the screen and referred to himself as handsome.
In a tongue-in-cheek form, O’Donnell asked Mary Trump if she felt slighted for being left out of the intelligent family member’s club. Her answer was superb.
“I would like to point out to Donald that sometimes genius skips a generation,” Mary Trump said. “But clearly, he wasn’t factoring that into his calculations. I do find it fascinating that he thinks just because my uncle was a physicist and my grandfather was really good at using federal money to screw working people over that, that somehow redounds to Donald’s intelligence.”
Note how Mary used one sentence to ding Trump’s dad as a welfare-taking corporation who then turns around and screws the poor. She links that the damaged Trump.
“I’ve often referred to Donald as a black hole of need and it’s never enough,” Mary said. “Any compliments people give him, it’s never enough to fill that void, partially because what they’re saying isn’t convincing to him because they’re only saying what he wants them to hear and also because he knows it isn’t true. He knows he’s a deeply unintelligent person. He knows that he’s severely damaged and has severe limitations.”
She makes it clear that simple experiences like love are anathema to Trump as he has never had it. And the way he addresses humanity is that of a sterile feelingless being.
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