Andrea Mitchell and her panel appear completely disgusted that Democrats in Pennsylvania went for the progressive candidate and not for the ward of the oligarchs, the purported centrist.
Media Freak-out over Pennsylvania election results
It is clear that panelists Brendan Buck and Andrea Mitchell are in a freakout that the Centrist candidates had no traction in Pennsylvania. I have always spoken about the middle being a mythical center. It is the place where the status quo lives. In other words, it is where nothing gets done for the average American. It is where the corporatocracy, the oligarchy, and the plutocracy purchase politicians to pass policies that allow them to pilfer us all.
Former Chief Communication Advisor to Speaker Paul Ryan, Brendan Buck, thinks he knows best. He could have said what Chuck Todd said recently. Chuck said that Washington politicians do not want Fetterman, the progressive senate candidate from Pennsylvania.
“The middle is vacant right now,” Brendan Buck said. “Connor Lamb is out of central casting, a general election candidate. And when he was in the house, we used to always joke that he was undefeatable because he checks every single box. And John Fetterman is a pretty risky candidate, I think, for Democrats in Pennsylvania. Yeah, he’s populist, which is popular right now. And, you know, he is Pennsylvania, but he’s also for Medicare for All and some of the more progressive policies that are not proving very popular right now. I think you have a situation in Pennsylvania where both sides are trying their hardest to lose by nominating probably the least electable nominee. So Fetterman you know, obviously trounced his opponent. So he’s clearly good at politics, but the middle is so wide open and neither party seems to want to take it.”
Buck demonstrates hubris that is fantastical. But he also lied. Progressive policies are popular. Lying descriptions of progressive policies while still popular are less so. Progressive policies generally have supermajority support. And it has been this way for decades.
Progressives need to be unabashedly progressive in their campaigning. They must talk to each person’s wants and needs and describe how they will deliver them. It is a winning message.
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