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Bolton copped to a Venezuelan coup that Colombia’s ambassador lied about when I interviewed him.

Bolton copped to a Venezuelan coup that Colombia's ambassador lied about when I interviewed him.

The Colombian ambassador disregarded my concerns about U.S. involvement in the attempt to overthrow the Venezuelan government. Bolton fessed up.

The Colombian ambassador lied to me

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Venezuela is a very touchy subject to many. It is very straightforward as I see the geopolitical dynamics that ultimately dictated its current state.

Many Venezuelan friends debate me passionately about Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The latter guy is not the former. Chavez had a vision of the change he knew his people needed. Maduro, though, is a hack.

The intent of this post is not to get into the complete history of Venezuela. Suffice it to say that the failure of Venezuela is the modus operandi of any country that attempts true egalitarianism. They must be caricatured or defined as evil socialists that oppress their people.

Venezuela is a rich country with the world’s largest oil deposits. Moreover, it has many other minerals, including gold. But somehow, from its existence, the spoils went to a few. Such a wealthy country with massive wealth and income disparity created the path for Hugo Chavez to enter the fold.

Those who wrestle control of a country’s natural resources and production never seem to get enough. And when one challenges them, it is the one they are pilfering who they demonize. It is a reality that has begun to metastasize in America as well.

One of the biggest fears of capitalists is that the masses will become aware of its parasitic nature, the form of antiseptic slavery it represents. We invent, create, teach, and work while those who own capital, the managers of wealth, are the ones that get rich.

So the modus operandi outside of our country is standard. When a leader in Latin America or anywhere in the third world begins the process of creating an egalitarian society where they distribute the wealth of the country equitably and ensure equal access to success, said leader is maligned and vilified. And then the intentional destruction of the economy from within and without starts. The hope is that it will create an internal overthrow, And if that is not successful, the Boltons and Abrams of the West start working the machinery to overthrow the democratically elected government. They don’t even need to be successful as long as they leave the economy of that country that dared to attempt another way.

I cannot wait for the day when most Americans open their eyes to corporate pilfering. We blame the government for the bad deeds and failures of corporate America because they indoctrinate our thought process.

I find it ironic that as the corporate executive tout their prowess and ever-expanding wealth and income on CNBC, we accept their blame-government narrative. In effect, the wealthy executives and shareholders are complaining that government policy is forcing them to overcharge us even with no substantial shortages. And of course, it is so painful that the excess profits they stole from us go straight into their pockets. “Sorry, the government is forcing us to transfer your earned income, your credit, and your government subsidies into our pockets.”

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