To show he can be as evil as possible to undocumented immigrants, Greg Abbott is sending them by bus to New York. NYC Mayor Eric Adams is accepting them.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams schools Greg Abbott on humanity.
I used to be a Christian. I am now a Humanist. I remember a parable that has always touched me. A man was praying for God to come to visit him. The man finally received notice that God was coming to his house. Excited, the man became busy preparing his household for the Lord’s visit. During the course of the day, three individual strangers came knocking at the man’s door begging for food, money, and shelter, and all three times, the man turned the stranger away, saying, “I’m sorry. I don’t have time to help you. The Lord is visiting me today!” By the end of the day, God never showed up. The man was gravely disappointed and asked why God disappointed him and never came to visit as He promised. And God responded, “I came to your door three times today, and three times you turned me away!”
Republican politicians often call themselves pro-life. They claim to be moral people who care about humanity. Yet, they fail to implement the basic tenet of the religion they purport to follow. Whatever happened to feeding the hungry, sheltering the unsheltered, and clothing the naked?
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is the encapsulation of all of those aforementioned tenets. Greg Abbott, both in tone and words, denotes an immediately discernable evil. That he believes that is the stance he must take to win over his voters is shameful. A leader would remind any constituent expecting that behavior that that isn’t what they should represent.
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