After a commercial break from a segment where Alan Dershowitz said Biden was moderate & successful, Maria Bartiromo returned and chastised him. Did she get a call from Trump?
Maria Bartiromo defines who Fox News is.
Maria Bartiromo began the interview disparaging President Joe Biden. She probably believed that since Alan Dershowitz supported Trump during the impeachment, he would also be ready to slam Biden. That would not be the case.
“Well, he’s done great things in Ukraine,” Dershowitz said. “I think he has done good things on domestic policy, gotten some very good things passed. He is not an exciting and dynamic candidate who’s going to get things done. He is the candidate who restores normality. And if Trump is going to run, I think that even a low-ranking candidate with essentially moderate views, he won’t win, but Trump will lose. So nobody is going to win this next election. If it’s Trump versus Biden, it will be who has the most negatives and who loses the election. Nobody’s going to win that.”
Bartiromo went to break soon after that. When she came back from the break, it was as if someone got to her.
“Alan, I got to get back to something you just said because you said Joe Biden was moderate,” Maria said. “You said he has a moderate policy. You said he’d passed some good things. You said he did a good job on Ukraine. I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is not a moderate president. Okay. We have another spending bill that they’re negotiating right now, which will likely stoke inflation. And on Ukraine, he offered Zelensky a flight out of there. … So I don’t know what you’re talking about in terms of Joe Biden being moderate.”
Alan Dershowitz’s response was great.
“Compared to who?” Alan said. “Compared to President Trump, who I did not vote for, I defended him against an unconstitutional impeachment, but I didn’t vote for him. But compared to President Trump, the current President Biden is moderate. So is this attorney general.”
Bartiromo went berserck.
“He’s not a moderate,” Bartiromo said. “It’s just not true. And I know that’s the best line that Democrats have been trying to sell us since day one during the campaign. But his actions and his policies are indicative that he’s not a moderate.”
Fox News cannot handle the truth. Alan Dershowitz held up well.
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