There were dozens of people who looked like Houston congregating at Atascocita Park. They joined with the Humble Area Democrats and Clubs in Action to mobilize the Democratic vote. They canvass Northeast Harris County.
Clubs in Action / Humble Are Democrats
One could not be more impressed with the engagement. John Cotter, President of Humble Area and one of the lead organizers, revealed information about the current state of the election in CD-02 as well as up-to-date voting. Suffice it to say that if the patterns persist, Democrats in Harris County should prevail.
John Cotter, Humble Area Democrats’ President, speaks on the stats.
Do not let anyone tell you that Democratic enthusiasm is not present. One does not get this many people willing to invest their weekends (and weekdays) block walking if they were not ensuring we are all in the game of winning. After all, we know most Americans want Democratic values. This is not wishful thinking but polled consistently for decades. Unfortunately, our apathy too often is our biggest obstacle to success.
The work that the Humble Area Democrats and Clubs in Action is being replicated throughout the country. That likely partially explains the high voter turnout in early votes. I am sure election day will provide the data needed to tweak these activities.
Listen to the following block walkers, activists, and precinct chair. They know what they are fighting for in no uncertain terms.
It was refreshing having some of the judges running as a part of the contingent. Voters get to meet them up close.
This is the type of engagement that works. But it must be consistent. Republicans engage with their constituents daily via radio, church, and special events. They invest in their constituents. It is much smaller than the natural Democratic constituency. But they maximize the power of their supporters. With that, they win with less, from gerrymandering to voting percentage. That is why seeing the engagement of this group is so exciting.
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