America is still the richest country in the world. It could create a humane template that could guide the world into a new existence.
We are often negative whenever we discuss politics. The phrase, if it bleeds, it leads. We should also allow aspirational narratives with the potential for success to lead. So let’s aspire.
What kind of America can we aspire for that is realistic? What kind of world can we aspire for that is possible? Are there enough resources on the planet to give everyone a comfortable life? Of course, there are.
Do we have enough water? Do we have enough food? Is there enough available space for everyone? There is no doubt that the answer is yes. How can one come to that conclusion after too much research? Because we live in the world today, that supports its current state if extraordinarily inequitable.
So what does my America look like? This morning I woke up with that on my mind after someone called me idealistic. He said that I negate human nature. The thing is, I believe in human nurture. In other words, our environment influences most of us positively or, for that matter, negatively. I contend that our economic system, in many instances created by psychopaths, has created an environment that nurtures too many negatively.
Many say human nature includes greed and violence. If that were the case, income and wealth disparity would be impossible. After all, greed would have us all fighting to take away from the other. Most people are good. The hoarders are psychopaths as they try to hold on to as much as they can to the detriment of others even as they could not possibly use all of the said wealth.
Last year I wrote the book “How to make America Utopia: Take away the economy from those who rigged it,” which discussed all of these realities. I asked many questions in the first chapter that I answered throughout the book.
- Why do most Americans continue to accept a system that moves so slowly in empowering one group after another?
- Why do Americans continue to support politicians who refuse to establish a health care system that takes care of all its citizens like every major industrialized country in the world?
- Why do Americans continue to support a criminal justice system unfair to people of color and all the poor even though their country preaches morality to the rest of the world?
- Why do Americans continue to tolerate an unequal educational system where public education is proportional to the wealth of the school district where one resides?
- Why do Americans accept a public college system that leaves most students in debt?
- Why do Americans give corporations the same rights we give human beings?
- Why do Americans allow politicians to spend more than the next nine or so countries combined for a defense we will never need nor could we ever use?
- Why do Americans allow politicians to build toll roads, allowing private corporations to tax us for roads that should be built from taxpayer dollars?
- Why do Americans allow the working person’s income to be taxed at a higher rate than investor income?
- Why do Americans allow corporations to use the patent system to stifle innovation?
- Why do Americans allow deregulation at the expense of their health and a clean environment?
- Why do Americans support an economic system biased to benefit corporations and businesses over people?
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If we answer the above questions and then stop our subjugation, it is clear to me that we will build the America we really want. More importantly, we would become a template others would want to follow.
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