Gun violence is much more prevalent in the Red States. It’s time to take the issue on frontally. Why are Republican legislatures throughout the country playing a bait-and-switch game?
Gun Violence
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Gun violence is worse in the Red States.
I have a serious question. Why do those who have ethical and moral positions on issues succumb to intellectual bullying by those who are causing harm, pain, death, and destruction? I am not sure. But I will not fall for the false narratives, nor will I capitulate to the status quo or inaction.
I will use all of my platforms to unabashedly inform my fellow brothers and sisters of every ideology, party, religion, creed, and everything in between. And I ask those listening, watching, or reading to share the knowledge. That is the only way we can overcome the misinformation and the politicians who have become paid wards of those causing us the most harm, corporations that value profits over humanity.
The gun lobby, the mouthpiece of the corporations that manufacture guns, are some of the worse offenders. They continue to bribe their politicians to create draconian laws that have materialized into the carnage we see with the mass shootings that are par for the course.
A recent article in Politico titled “Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in the Red States. It’s Not Even Close” lays waste to the fallacies from the Right.
Listen to the southern right talk about violence in America, and you’d think New York City was as dangerous as Bakhmut on Ukraine’s eastern front.
In October, Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis proclaimed crime in New York City was “out of control” and blamed it on George Soros. Another Sunshine State politico, former president Donald Trump, offered his native city up as a Democrat-run dystopia, one of those places “where the middle class used to flock to live the American dream are now war zones, literal war zones.” In May 2022, hours after 19 children were murdered at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott swatted back suggestions that the state could save lives by implementing tougher gun laws by proclaiming “Chicago and L.A. and New York disprove that thesis.”
In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.
If you grew up in the coal mining region of eastern Pennsylvania your chance of dying of a gunshot is about half that if you grew up in the coalfields of West Virginia, three hundred miles to the southwest. Someone living in the most rural counties of South Carolina is more than three times as likely to be killed by gunshot than someone living in the equally rural counties of New York’s Adirondacks or the impoverished rural counties facing Mexico across the lower reaches of the Rio Grande. …
The Deep South is the most deadly of the large regions at 15.6 per 100,000 residents followed by Greater Appalachia at 13.5. That’s triple and quadruple the rate of New Netherland — the most densely populated part of the continent — which has a rate of 3.8, which is comparable to that of Switzerland. Yankeedom is the next safest at 8.6, which is about half that of Deep South, and Left Coast follows closely behind at 9. El Norte, the Midlands, Tidewater and Far West fall in between.
In short, it is time for us to unabashedly shame the misinformers and attack every false statement in a graphic manner. It is they, the purported party that believes in the sanctity of life, that have created policies that get our fellow Americans killed with guns and weapons of war.
GOP bait & switch is all they have for their constituents.
Have you wondered why Right Wing MAGA Republicans in legislatures around the country are passing laws that are either trying to take women’s rights away, suppress voters, ban books, vilify our transgender and LGBTQ brothers and sisters, and concentrate on issues far removed from policies to help families? It is simple. And Justin Jones laid out in an interview he did with Joy-Ann Reid on MSNBC’s The Reid Out.
Jones inferred that it was a bait and switch. As hospitals are closing in the rural areas they dominate, they do not want their constituents to know it is their failure to accept the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act. In other words, these purported pro-life politicians are killing their constituents from ideologically driven evil neglect. This is playing out throughout our country.
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