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GOP takes mostly Red States hostage with debt ceiling vote. The young must save America’s democracy.

GOP takes mostly Red States hostage with debt ceiling vote. America's Democracy saved by the young.

Republicans passed a hostage-taking debt ceiling austerity bill that hurts their Red State constituents more than it does the Blue States. AOC, Maxwell, Jones, & Zephyr are fighting for democracy.

Republicans are using the debt ceiling to hold America hostage.

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Zooey Zephyr calls out Montana Republicans for attempting to kill Democracy.

Zooey Zephyr is a transgender woman who was elected to the Montana Legislature. She was kicked out of the Montana Legislature, similar to Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. CNN reported the following.

Montana’s Republican-dominated House voted Wednesday to ban Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who had said GOP lawmakers would have “blood” on their hands for passing bills restricting transgender rights and rallied protesters Monday after Speaker Matt Regier blocked her from being recognized to speak, from the House chamber for the remainder of this year’s legislative session.

Under the disciplinary measure approved on a 68-32 vote Wednesday, Zephyr – the 34-year-old Democrat from Missoula who last year became the first openly transgender woman elected to Montana’s legislature – will be allowed to retain her seat and cast votes remotely. But she will not be able to participate in debates. The session is scheduled to end next week.

“We have a week and a half left of the session, and we’ll be covering important topics — housing bills, the state’s budget — and every bill that goes forward for the remainder of this session, there will be 11,000 Montanans whose representative is missing, whose voices cannot be heard on those bills,” Zephyr told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront” later Wednesday.

This is likely the most undemocratic act to date.

AOC, Zephyr, Jones, & Maxwell: Young Reps fed up and ready to fight for democracy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Justin Jones, and Maxwell Alehandro Frost are challenging our march to fascism. They appeared in a Washington presser where they called out the Montana Legislature for banning Zooey Zephyr from the Montana Legislature. It is clear our Democracy is in their hands.

Republicans’ debt ceiling hostage-taking bill hurts the Red States.

Republicans finally did it. Their hostage-taking with a debt-ceiling negotiating bill, if it were to pass, would inflict pain mostly on people in the Red States, Reuters reported the following.

But a Reuters analysis of federal spending data indicates that his proposed domestic-spending caps could be felt most acutely in the states that backed Republican President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

This must be a new sledgehammer for the Democrats. This issue, along with the abortion issue, will ultimately guarantee Democratic victories in the next election.

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