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Chris Hayes exposes why Republicans holding America hostage with the debt ceiling is a farce.

Chris Hayes Exposes Republican Debt Ceiling Fraud

Chris Hayes had the graphs to show that it is Republicans who blow the budget when they are in power as they hold Democrats from appropriate spending by taking America, hostage with the debt ceiling and filibuster.

Chris Hayes nailed it again.

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Chris Hayes completely deconstructed Republican continual hostage-holding of the Democrats and the country with the tactics. They use techniques that allow them, too often, to neuter Democratic economic and fiscal policies.

The following graph is probative and says all that one needs to know. The first thing is that when Republicans are in control of the government, they don’t spend less. They spend more. The second is that they use their hostage-taking to force outcomes by weakening the incumbent Democratic President by derailing the economic path they set forth.

Hayes used the Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and Trump administrations to prove his point. Republicans spend more when they are in control, and they only care about curtailing spending if there is a Democrat in office. The conclusion based on the data is not debatable. The rationale for this debt ceiling impasse is Republican fraud. And Democrats are not yet doing enough to redefine the narrative.

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