It is clear Marjorie Taylor Greene, #MTG, is not very smart. She accuses #Biden of a litany of bad deeds that are simply policies most Americans want. REALLY!
Marjorie Taylor Greene displays her ignorance.
It is clear that MTG is just one who utters words with no deep thoughts behind them. Recently she made this very clear.
“Lyndon Johnson is very similar to Joe Biden,” Marjorie Taylor Greene said. “How are they the same? They’re both Democrat Socialists.”
MTG then defined what made President Biden, like LBJ and FDR, bad people.
“His [LBJ] big socialist programs were the Great Society,” MTG said. “The Great Society where big government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare — the Office of Economic Opportunity and Big labor and labor unions.”
Aren’t those the things that most Americans want and the things only government can provide efficiently? There is no doubt that is a fact. If the private sector could handle these efficiently, we would not have the problems of poverty, health care, child care, and more.
“Now LBJ had the Great Society, but Joe Biden had Build Back Better, and he still is working on it,” MTG continued. “The largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs but is actually finishing what FDR started that LBJ expanded on. And Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”
And there it is. The perfect rationale for rural, urban, poor, and middle-class America to reelect Joe Biden. Democrats and Progressives owe a few pounds of gratitude to MTG.
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