Ron DeSantis, attempting to seem like a tough guy, all but declared war on Mexican sovereign territory. He would be a clear and present danger were he to win.
Did Ron DeSantis seem to declare war on Mexico?
Ron Desantis expressed his support for sending U.S. Special Forces over the Mexican border to combat drug cartels. He argued for using lethal force against cartels, claiming they are responsible for thousands of American deaths.
DeSantis’s proposal is very similar to the U.S. invasion of Panama in the 1980s, where the pursuit of dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega resulted in the deaths of thousands of Panamanians. This historical parallel serves as a warning against violating another country’s sovereignty.
It is irresponsible and short-sighted as well as ineffective that DeSantis would focus on foreign cartels rather than addressing the root causes of drug addiction within the U.S. The blame must be partly placed on the American capitalist system and pharmaceutical companies that create addiction, leading to a demand fulfilled by cartels.
The DeSantis statement is irresponsible and potentially disqualifying for a presidential candidate. It risks instigating an unnecessary conflict. Mexico is not Panama. We are very economically interdependent.
There are alternative approaches to complex problems like drug addiction. They must be considered, rather than immediate recourse to military solutions that do not go to the core of the pharmaceutical-profit-induced attack on the population.
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