A PDR listener sent an email to the KPFT GM and PD to complain about my sparse coverage of 9/11. I replied with an unexpected answer that I doubt he understood in the proper context.
Email exchange with PDR listener
Following is the email exchange. I removed the actual name of the email writer to protect his privacy. I also corrected grammatical errors.
Here is the letter the listener sent to my General Manager and Program Director, It is clear what his expectation was.
From: AZ
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 7:45 AM
I wanted to relay to you my sincere disappointment with the fact that your show host this morning did not mention anything at all about the 9/11 terrorist attack and remember those that we lost. His excuse was he did not want to mention it because it was 22 years ago, and of all the things that are being done now as a result of 9/11. That is a flat-out chicken shit reason. The only reason he even said anything is because callers called in to mention 9/11. The fact is he hates America, and all it stands for.
No matter what side you are on, left, right, or in the middle, I think we can all agree that it was a tragedy and lives were unnecessarily lost, and we remember and honor those respectfully.
But what would I expect? because I listen to DEMOCRACY NOW and the U Talk show as well, and they sure do remember and honor everything that happened to Muslims or tragedies abroad.
I wish I could call in, but I am driving when this show is on air, and then I am at work the rest of the time, so I cannot call in. But it’s so irritating to hear all the left bias on these shows. They claim to be non-biased. However, they always start or end with Republicans this or Republicans that. Everything is blamed on Donald Trump and Republicans.
And that caller, Johnny! OH man, he comes on and spits out how contentious conservative callers are. Now, if he isn’t the most hypocritical caller I’ve EVER heard. Every time he calls into the show, he is angry, bitter, disrespectful, and flat-out threatens violence himself. I have literally heard him say I would beat the hell out of that guy and other similar statements.
I continue to listen to the programming because it gives me insight into how the crazy left thinks.
As soon as my PD and GM sent me the email, I knew I would respond.
From: KPFT
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 8:45 AM
To: AZ
Dear Anthony,
First of all, any listener who spends the time to write an articulate letter to object without being completely irrational or hateful is my kind of listener and must be answered. I intend to change your view that you are only listening “because it gives me insight into how the crazy left thinks.”
Before I answer you in detail, I must posit an absolute statement. YOU DO NOT LOVE AMERICA MORE THAN I DO OR MOST OF THOSE OF US ON THE LEFT. And in my case, I am a naturalized American. I chose America. It is silly to hate that which you have chosen (for some, spouse notwithstanding 😊). As a naturalized American, I am no less American than born Americans whose roots, except for the indigenous people, are from elsewhere. Loving one’s country means not keeping one’s head in the sand for its flaws but putting them out there and solving them. You don’t show love for a child or a parent by allowing behavior that will ultimately be their demise. Now, that is out of the way. Let’s talk.
I will not apologize for not concentrating on that really bad thing that was 9/11. Many other stations and programs are doing that. It does not mean I condone it or do not believe it was an evil act that killed thousands who did not deserve that fate. Unfortunately, in America, we have different levels of gradation for humanity. Do you feel as bad for those innocent people in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania who died on 9/11 by terrorists as you do for the several more thousands that our military killed in my home country, Panama, when Bush allowed several of our areas to be flattened with bombs indiscriminately? We considered that collateral damage to get one man, Manuel Antonio Noriega, who, not for drug trafficking as advertised, but for saying no to the CIA in Nicaragua.
Why did I bring up Panama in the answer? It is just one example of our modus operandi. The blowback from bad foreign policies by our politicians driven by the wants of our Oligarchs, Plutocrats, and Psychopaths create blowbacks that are the kindle of terrorism that kills thousands of innocent Americans. It all ties in. How do you think the relatives of the 10,000 (reported as 516 by the U.S.) Panamanians who died in Chorrillo, Colon, and David, Panama feel. How many of them would want vengeance, just like Bush wanted vengeance for 9/11 as he got hundreds of thousands more killed? You see, its a cycle.
I do not claim to be unbiased. I am very biased. I believe in the policies most Americans believe in. I wrote about this in several articles.
- https://egbertowillies.com/2022/11/19/progressives-are-vilified-as-extreme-i-am-proud-to-be-extreme/
- https://egbertowillies.com/2015/08/03/elizabeth-warren-proves-factually-that-most-americans-are-progressives-video/
- https://egbertowillies.com/2017/07/13/progressives-renaissance-middle-class/
As for as being respectful to the 9/11 victims, they will not have some faux respect from me. THEY WILL GET REAL RESPECT! That means making the changes that make another 9/11 less possible. Shallow statements like “thanks for your service,” frivolities, and other types of feel-good statements do nothing. My contribution using Politics Done Right is not to provide the standard Powell Memo indoctrination narrative but to make us think outside of the box. When enough of us realize we are all on the same team and getting played by a select few who can only exist if we are at each other’s throat, then the change that prevents not only terrorism from abroad but our domestic terrorism caused by the policies and psychological games by the puppeteers. And as a bonus, we will all live a more pleasant life.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for listening to the show. …
Best Regards,
This was his response. I responded on air.
From: AZ
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 12:09 PM
Wow, I must have — what is the term they use these days? — “triggered” you. I appreciate your response, as most left programs completely ignore you. My statement of listening to how the cray left thinks is just one reason. I actually listen to all sides to better gather data and process information. My thought process is blue.
YOU DO NOT LOVE AMERICA MORE THAN I DO OR MOST OF THOSE OF US ON THE LEFT – I never stated I love America more than anyone else, nor do I claim to.
I feel empathy for all life lost. By simply feeling a simple moment of silence or recognition was in order today; that by no means implies I do not feel empathy for other countries’ losses. The “We” retorts are a prime example of left thinking and society today; they tend to lump all in the same category. Simply because there are those who feel a certain way does not mean “ALL” do, and therein lies the problem. But at the same time, this is America, not Panama or anywhere else. I know I probably shouldn’t feel this way because it is not very Christian, but most countries around the globe would not give America the same courtesy, but they will take our assistance.
Americans whose roots, except for the indigenous people, are from elsewhere. – Again, this is not a true statement. Even the “first Americans” migrated here across the Bering Strait via a now long-gone land bridge (not due to climate change or global warming before you go there) .. We are all, like it or not, of African descent.
No one speaks of how the Native Americans also practiced slavery genocide, and, yes, you could argue they practiced “colonialism” in their own manner. The tribes killed, enslaved, and took land from each other all the time. All the Americas did this to each other for eons. But society and “social justice warriors” only focus on “white” or “European” colonialism. Does this make what happened in the past right? Of course not.
It is not shallow nor faux respect if you are genuine. Another misconception of the left is if you truly meditate on it and look someone in the eye when you say it. The same way I tell a police officer, for example. I shake their hands and look them in the eye with a nod, and they know I am genuine, and it’s ALWAYS appreciated.
As a follower of Christ, this is what God teaches us: be the better person. If it is not received then all you can do is say you tried.
So wake up 10 minutes earlier and call (713)526-5738. PEACE! – You are not on the air until 6. I’m on the road by then. Typical; So easy to say, “Just do this or just do that”.
So this is a lot of rhetoric to say; Would it have really been that hard to take 5 seconds to remember? I’m sure even though KPFT is a leftist station, I know there are a few conservatives out in your airways that would have probably appreciated it.
I know I rambled, but I’m trying to quickly respond while at lunch.
PEACE! That’s my thing. Except I say PEACE OUT!
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