Hydropower dams, initially celebrated as feats of engineering, are now scrutinized for their negative environmental and societal impacts.
What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?
The seven steps that could help build a social movement and ensure a sustainable future.
Is the Food Industry Concealing Possible Destruction of the Tropics From the Public?
Millions of tons of palm oil are ‘missing’ from Big Food’s deforestation-free claims.
Time Is the New Money
Time banking is easing financial strain and promoting societal health.
It’s Not Just Ideology: Why the U.S. Is Hard-Wired to Be Hostile to Autocratic RegimesÂ
The U.S. was born out of ideas and the geopolitical schemes of competing maritime empires, forging a foreign policy approach that dominates its foreign relations today.
Our Planet Versus Plastic Bags—A Tale of Two Cities
Americans discard 100 billion plastic bags annually, the equivalent of 12 million barrels of oil.
The Economic Realities We Face at the End of 2022
U.S. capitalism and its empire are widely perceived as waning. Europe’s role as a U.S. ally and indeed its economic future became correspondingly riskier as a result.