On the day Republicans shutdown the United States Government, Krystal Ball writes a parody that is at first extremely funny. It is so funny her cohorts on The Cycle cannot contain themselves. The issues she addresses are so basic and serious one cannot help but laugh in desperation that in fact a small fraction of […]
Paul Ryan: To Hell With Election. It Is My Way With Obama Doing My Dirty Work (VIDEO)
Paul Ryan laid down the gauntlet today. He delivered his budget to the people. There is one thing I have always “admired” about this new sect of extreme Right Wing Tea Party Republicans, they have no problem looking into the eye of a reporter, looking into the eye of a camera, looking into the eye […]
Paul Ryan & The Big Lie That Is Killing The Middle Class
Republican Congressman Paul Ryan was rattled today on NBC Meet The Press when David Gregory showed the snippet from the President’s Inauguration speech, rebuking those that believe America is divided between makers and takers. David then showed a snippet where Ryan actually made the statement. Ryan visibly turned red and was immediately defensive implying the […]