It was clear that this MAGA caller to my radio show, Politics Done Right, thought he would get into a fight with me but instead got an agreement that left him speechless.
MUST WATCH: A MAGA voter explains why we should vote for Trump, whom I dispatched irrefutably.
A MAGA caller told our Politics Done Right audience that they should vote for Trump because we were doing better under him. My response dispelled his false narrative.
Our personal economic success depends on unchaining our minds from what we have learned.
A caller to our Politics Done Right program got me thinking about why we continuously fall prey to the small number of psychopaths spending their time figuring out how to take all we have earned.
Caller hangs up after I destroyed his defense of inhumane oil companies; a meaningful argument.
The caller thought he could soften our resolve as he defended oil companies by claiming he was a donor. But he could not find an argument for their inhumaneness.
Advice to a caller who lost his friend of 35 years because of Trump politics.
A caller to Politics Done Right said he lost his friend of thirty-five years because of Trump. I told him why one should not let politics get between friendships.
How I handled the most recent caller to my show who called me a nigg$$r.
The following is how I handled the most recent caller who called me a nigg$$r on air. The reality is I really feel a sense of sorrow for these folks.
Gun-toting Right-Wing guy calls to dispute my views of the U. S. Constitution
Many hold the U.S. Constitution in Biblical regard. I don’t. I am clear that it was a document created and voted on by a very select few men. Larry, my gun-toting Right-Wing caller, called into dispute my take.