Once again, @AliVelshi brings a vital subject, DEI, to the MSM in a manner that objectively educates the listener with the help of Dr. @esglaude and Dr. @ProfMMurray.
Prof. Eddie Glaude schools Biden-pandering MSNBC host on choosing Republican VP
Eddie Glaude did not allow a Biden-Pandering MSNBC Host to get away with a “far-left” narrative on those who found Biden flirting with Republican VP obscene.
Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude, Jr. points out the real problem with capitalism
Sometimes one can really get a point over using keywords that when analyzed, tells the story. Eddie Glaude Jr. was a master today.
Panelist: Most having it hard did not fall for Trump’s hate as the white working class did (VIDEO)
Morning Joe spent a significant part of an uninterrupted 40-minute segment justifying white working class people voting against their interests by supporting Donald Trump.