All our life, we have been told the story of Cuba through the eyes of Cuban Oligarchs, their sycophants, and our plutocrats. Here is the real take.
Why I do not hate Cuba and no person of color should nor their white allies should
Many people look at Cuba through a communist vs. democratic lens. I see it through a racial lens purposefully. And here is why.
Panelist politely slams Chuck Todd and panel on Americocentric view of Fidel Castro (VIDEO)
Helene Cooper provided a counternarrative to the Americocentric narrative of Fidel Castro by given it a perspective seldom heard by Americans.
Former Cuban Leader Fidel Castro is dead at 90
The former leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro dies at the age of 90. He is survived by his brother Raul Castro who is the current leader of Cuba.
President Obama’s Cuba policy change is simply the actualization of his past statements (VIDEO)
No one should have been surprised about President Obama’s action to normalize relations with Cuba. He stated this 10 years ago. US policy was not working.