I am not sure why Newt Gingrich thinks that I am a community organizer. I am a political activist/host/blogger.
I feel sorry for the guy who sent me this piece of Right Wing hate mail (VIDEO)
People who go take the time and effort to send Right Wing hate mail are reaching out whether they realize it or not. They want to make a difference.
My latest hate mail from a Texas Right Winger – Hiatus please?
I received yet another piece of hate mail. It was poetic justice that it would come on the day that I interviewed local Tea Party activist Angela Box.
My new post election hate mail from ‘Sarah Palin’
‘Sarah Palin’ once again has sent me a new hate mail bragging about her Tea Party’s success in the last midterm election. You must read this.
Irate Right Winger slams my post that questioned an Obamacare potential ‘Scam’
 I wrote about the incident at DailyKOS. I do that a lot of times to add my bad and good experiences into the cloud’s knowledge base with the expectation that it will help others just as others have helped me with their information. Well, today I got an email rant from someone who read the […]
Just Received My Latest Hate Mail From A Sarah Palin, Gun Loving, God Clinging Admirer
Guys, take a look at my latest hate mail. It really makes one wonder how the mind of the writer is wired. This is in fact the result of very effective Fox News, Right Wing Blogs, and Right Wing Talk Radio mis-education. If the author of the hate mail below happens to also read my […]
My Republican – Tea Party Hate Mail Continues – But They Are Not Racist?
Here is another piece of hate mail from a neighbor that is either objecting to my activism with Occupy Kingwood or with my newspaper articles. This one is actually dated before the last one I received. The prejudice in the letter is quite obvious but yet these folks get upset when they are called out. […]
My Republican – Tea Party Hate Mail Illustrates Why Education A Must
This piece of hate mail was in response to an article I posted in the Kingwood Observer titled Long Flight IDs America’s Problem. It shows the child like thinking of those on the Right. They simply regurgitate information fed to them by Fox News, Right Wing radio, and Right Wing media without any analytical thought. […]
KHOU Report on The Firework Attack On My Home
KHOU reports on the fireworks attack on my home I am always concerned with the media spinning a story in a direction for dramatic effect as opposed to the reality of the event. It is for this reason that when I was approached by KHOU that I did not want to be interviewed on camera […]
Hate Mail From Reader Of My Columns At The Kingwood Observer
The following hate mail was sent to one of our Kingwood Area Democrats member’s address. It is evident the author who did not provide a name or return address is not enamored with the substance of my columns. I don’t remember ever being called a NinnyHen but hell, I have been called worst. You need […]