Brian Williams called out Mark Halperin on live TV. It’s noteworthy for the act itself and for the sarcasm he used with Trump comments on the media.
Birther Donald Trump finally says President Obama was born in the United States (VIDEO)
Donald Trump, founder of the birther movement ‘reveals’ that President Obama was born in the United States. Of course, he did it with a debunked lie.
Jon Stewart skewers journalist Mark Halperin for ‘racist’ Ted Cruz interview (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart slams Mark Halperin for his prejudice and condescending interview. Even for Ted Cruz it’s a low blow.
Journalist all but ask Ted Cruz to ‘sing & dance’ to prove he is a Latino (VIDEO)
Pseudo Journalist Mark Halperin once again shows that he is a very prejudice journalist in the manner in which he interviewed Senator Ted Cruz.
Mark Halperin disrespecting President Obama calling him a ‘Dick’ (VIDEO)
Mark Halperin called President Obama a “Dick.” The disrespect by so many with regards to this President is shameful.