Midday Open Thread Just maybe the President will take on inequality as his new signature agenda. President Obama vowed on Friday to join Bill de Blasio, the mayor-elect of New York, and other urban leaders in an effort to combat growing inequalities in American society and pressed Congress to extend unemployment benefits now set to […]
Midday Open Thread – Last Week’s Events Worth Noting (VIDEO)
Midday Open Thread President Obama’s words to the nation after receiving notice of Nelson Mandela’s death resonate with us all. Many of us who went to college in the 80’s were at the forefront of the divestiture movement. For many it was first foray into not only domestic politics but international politics and social justice. […]
Midday Open Thread
Midday Open Thread This New York Times article details the turmoil within the administration, the Democratic caucus, and the insurance industry over the last two months since the launching of healthcare.gov. The story of how the administration confronted one of the most perilous moments in Mr. Obama’s presidency — drawn from documents and from interviews […]
Midday Open Thread
Midday Open Thread New York Times: The United States and five other world powers announced a landmark accord Sunday morning that would temporarily freeze Iran’s nuclear program and lay the foundation for a more sweeping agreement. Obama/Kerry = best policy team since Bush I/Jim Baker. Congress is finally becoming embarrassed by Netanyahu’s efforts to dictate […]
Midday Open Thread – GOP War On The Poor
Midday Open Thread This is the best explained GOP War on the poor. Republicans in leadership positions try to modulate their language a bit, but it’s a matter more of tone than substance. They’re still clearly passionate about making sure that the poor and unlucky get as little help as possible, that — as Representative […]
Midday Open Thread – GOP 2014, Debt Ceiling, Obamacare (VIDEO)
The GOP destruction of America continues and they will pay in 2014. .Are you ready for a wave election?. Only one-quarter of Americans think that their own member of Congress should be reelected, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. That’s a sharp departure from similar polls conducted before the government shutdown. In the new survey, […]
Midday Open Thread – This Week’s Important Tidbits In Politics (VIDEO)
Paul Krugman recommended this group on his blog Conscience Of A Liberal. I fell in love with the song. Took me back to my times back in Austin Texas. .Should she retire? Amid calls from some liberals that she step down in time for President Obama to name her successor, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said […]
Midday Open Thread – The Week In Obamacare (VIDEO)
The Week In Obamacare Obamacare is the law of the land. Congress is in recess and the Republican misinformation campaign is in full vogue. Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and all those supporting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) better join the fight. Engaging and countering Right Wing Republicans as they willfully misinform and lie […]
Midday Open Thread (Voter Suppression, Obamacare Sabotage, Kindness, & a Proposal) (VIDEO)
Why is North Carolina getting so little notice? Their grassroots movement while not immediately effective in stopping draconian voter suppression legislation, is effective in mobilizing a base for 2014. Beginning in 2016, North Carolina polling places will accept only a North Carolina driver’s license, a state-issued ID card, a military ID, or a U.S. passport. […]