Predatory companies like Merck and Eli Lilly continue to pilfer Americans. Why do we allow them to exist even as they are immoral, inhumane, and parasitic?
Young column: My holiday wish
With all the talk about drug prices, a chief contributor stares at us just beyond our reading glasses: ridiculous, costly, pointless TV spots.
Rep. Katie Porter grills executive about the lying thievery of the pharmaceutical company
Rep. Katie Porter confronted a CEO about the industry’s lies about the reasons drug prices need to be high with visuals. It’s stunning.
Democrats can only lose if they allow successful Trump triangulation.
Democrats are on path to win presidency & hold House whether they run a Centrist or a Progressive. The latter can only lose if they must fight Centrists & Republicans.
What is the deeper meaning of these attacks on generic drugs
We know that generic drugs are a danger to the obscene profits of the pharmaceutical companies. These new fear stories while important seem PAHCF inspired.
The insulin story, a perfect example of corporations stealing the wealth of most of us
While the insulin rip off is one example, it occurs in every segment of our economy. Indentured servitude by the masses is the ultimate outcome