The Oligarchy requires an indoctrinated population to maintain an economic system that screws them. Race is the catalyst that they use to divide and conquer. Only multiracial organizing will liberate us.
Red States, poor due to conservative policies, starve their citizens by denying them federal aid.
States governed by Republicans using conservative policies refuse to take federal aid for their starving citizens even as their policies have made them the poorest states in the country.
Unlearn what they taught these five monkeys & the working middle class & poor will thrive.
Americans allowed the system to deny them much of what they have worked for because of similar behavior to these five monkeys. It’s time to unlearn.
On Tamara for Georgia: Forget the Mueller Report & understand the people’s yawn.
While an elite media hyperventilates about the Mueller Report, they fail to force politicians to address issues that directly impact Americans.
Progressives: Russia must not cloud the suffering of working class America (VIDEO)
I am tired of the hyperventilation by the media and over the likely collusion between Trump and Russia at the expense of the poor and working class.
Jon Stewart takes down Fox News on denial they stereotype the poor (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart summarily takes down Fox News on their coverage and stereotyping of the poor by placing a telling mirror in front of their coverage.
Rep. Darrell Issa: ‘Our poor somewhat the envy of the world’ (VIDEO)
This snippet of a CNN interview with Darrell Issa explains the dichotomy between the American poor and middle-class reality and that of our politicians.
Bill Maher slams GOP for support of welfare for the rich as they attack welfare for the poor (VIDEO)
Bill Maher slammed the GOP for supporting policies for the rich that goes completely against their tenets for the poor. Hypocrisy reigns unabatedly.
Elizabeth Warren Take On Ted Cruz & Paul Ryan Attacks On Poor & Middle Class (VIDEO)
Elizabeth Warren Says She Is Fighting To Level The Playing Field You won’t see US Senator Elizabeth Warren’s justifiable excoriation of Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz throughout the traditional media. She made the above speech at the 2014 Humphrey-Mondale Dinner that celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Minnesota DFL Party. She was their guest speaker. […]
Paul Ryan Confronted About ‘Inner City’ Comment ‘If You Didn’t Mean It You Wouldn’t Have Said It’ (VIDEO)
Constituent to Paul Ryan: ‘If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it’ Alfonso Gardner, a black man from Mount Pleasant Wisconsin was not fooled by Paul Ryan’s platitudes. He was not going to let Paul Ryan getaway with using dog whistles when speaking. He was not going to accept some soft disingenuous apology […]