Michael Bennet will not be the Democratic nominee for president but he has ensured that his Right Wing talking points will be used against the winner.
Blaming ‘Both Sides’ for Hate Plays Into Hands of Right-Wing Media
Right Wing media and traditional mainstream media wants you to believe in a false equivalence between political parties. They are not the same.
Five minutes that illustrates Republican ideology’s affront to humanity (VIDEO)
One must not hate or disengage from their Conservative Republican brethren. It is clear that most do not understand the inhumanity beset by their ideology.
Something more profound is happening to the Right Wing and its not Fox News
If Progressives do not find a method and narrative to reach the newly indoctrinated by a corrosive ideology, the path to an egalitarian society is doomed.
How to explain to Right Wing family/friend Trump tax cut scam screwed them (VIDEO)
We need to show at every instant to our Right Wing families and friends exactly how the GOP/Trump tax cut scam hurt them and gave their money to the rich.
Right Wing Conservative writer slams Parkland parents
Right Wing Conservative writer Kimberly Ross’ article in RedState shocked me. She has gone from disparaging the Parkland kids to attacking their parents.
Right Wing media manipulation exposed! Now what do we do about it (VIDEO)
This Right Wing media manipulation of Americans via the airwaves we all own must be arrested now if we intend to remain a democracy.
Right-Wing anti-abortion man called my show and it went mostly well (VIDEO)
I think this Right-Wing anti-abortion caller was seeking a fight with a Left-Wing Liberal that simply did not happen. I think he left with a modified perspective.
FEAR THIS: Right-Wing groups to spend million to lie about tax cut scam
The Right-Wing is ready to spend millions to lie to Americans about the tax cut scam which if successful will ensure Republicans maintain control of the entire government.
Republican ex-governor calls for Al Franken to stay in Senate
Minnesota Republican ex-governor’s call for Al Franken rescinding his resignation makes sense and should be taken seriously.