Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Those who care about the rule of law should stop buying the Fox News angle that Robert Mueller‘s appearance before two congressional panels was, as at least one progressive and sympathetic commentator said, “A disaster.” Americans shouldn’t give a rodent’s rear-end that Mueller “looked old,” that occasionally he “fumbled” […]
A perfect description of the danger and pathology of Trump from on performance
My friend Cody Pogue did as he always does. And in the process he admonishes Trump supporters, the president’s prolific enablers.
Is the end of the Trump presidency nearer than we expect?
Donald Trump may face more significant problems than he thinks. Mueller seems to know how to get people to sing, and they are doing so.
The Fabricator hear’s Mueller’s foot steps
Donald Trump lies more often without consequence than anyone to ever grace his position. Being a frequent liar, however, doesn’t make him a good one.
Sean Hannity snippet shows how to keep the Fox News viewer misinformed (VIDEO)
Sean Hannity attempted the bloviation with his viewers. It was the perfect illustration of the bait and switch technique, and it likely worked.
Donald Trump ordered Mueller’s firing last June but backed down
It is clear that Donald Trump knows that Robert Mueller is a threat to his presidency. He is intent on obstructing justice in any way he can.
Professor who predicted Trump win predicts Trump crimes that’ll shock nation
Professor Lichtman has predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1984 including Trump. He is the author of the book, The Case for Impeachment.
Ron Reagan on Trump: Deeply troubled unfit president dragging country down (VIDEO)
Ron Reagan laid into GOP politicians appeasing Trump by labeling them as post-factual, comfortable with un-reality, & engaged in traitorous behavior.
Chuck Todd rants because Trump plays our ‘independent press’ like a fiddle (VIDEO)
As one listened to Chuck Todd chastise President Trump for playing the media, one wonders when the press will remember its constitutional position.
U.S. special counsel names Robert Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia ties
Justice Department appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate possible collusion between Trump 2016 campaign and Russia