A compelling story from one whose father may have initially been a Biden supporter but would likely switch to Bernie because …
Give Peace a Chance: Don’t Believe the War Profiteers
No, the spoils will go to our massive and multifaceted war machine. The war machine is comprised of companies controlled by the 1%.
Get Ready for These Political Mind Games in 2019
Members of the 1% who’ve long cared far more about their extraordinary wealth and power than about the common good will continue mind games in 2019.
The truth behind Trump’s real fear: A Tale of Two Caravans
Trump and other GOP leaders believe that stoking fear, anger, suspicion, and contempt toward the migrant caravan is the best way to counter and undermine.
Psychologist Roy Eidelson on Political Mind Games & The Kavanaugh File (VIDEO)
Psychologist Roy Eidelson uses the Brett Kavanaugh hearing to illustrate how the Plutocracy plays political games to maintain power over us all.
Political Mind Games: The Kavanaugh File
We’re using the same playbook to quell the controversy generated by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Trump’s authoritarianism and enablers deconstructed (and here is how we crush them) (VIDEO)
Dr. Roy Eidelson identifies the Trump supporters/enablers and describes the pathology that ingratiates these beings to Donald Trump.