Full transcript and video of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address.
The Ted Cruz video response to the State of the Union he wishes never got out (VIDEO)
Ted Cruz created a video response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address. Unfortunately the unedited video went up and quickly removed. We got it.
President Obama’s SOTU Speech From Aspirational to Actionable
CNN PRODUCER NOTE EWillies1961 told me, ‘Washington must stop creating continuous self-inflicted wounds and vote to support middle class policies as he outlined them. After all, his policies while fairly progressive are not as Liberal as the voting public really wants when queried policy by policy. Many of the policies are either supported by both […]
Marco Rubio’s Water Bottle Moment Shows Our Political Shallowness.
The media and body politic reaction to the above Marco Rubio’s water moment when giving the Republican rebuttal to President Barack Obama’s speech displays our shallowness. While many see it as gaffe, I see it as a plan. These events on both sides are very staged and Marco Rubio is a very intelligent man. Both […]