This senior did not fall for the Medicare Advantage (MA) scam. After they switched him to MA, he forced them to switch him back.
SAY NO TO MEDICARE ADVANTAGE: It is a SCAM that’s desperate as the enrollment deadline approaches.
The insurance companies are desperate to convert as many seniors as possible from Traditional Medicare to Medicare Advantage scam to pad their profits.
BEWARE! Her mother was switched from Medicare to Medicare Advantage without her consent.
A caller to Politics Done Right told our audience that her mother was switched from Traditional Medicare to Medicare Advantage without her consent. Here is what you should know.
Traditional Medicare is freedom Medicare Advantage is enslavement mostly by choice.
We continue e to expose the various Medicare Advantage schemes that private health insurance companies use to take advantage of seniors’ traditional Medicare.
GET ORIGINAL MEDICARE! If Medicare Advantage was reliable, why must you reenlist every year?
Stick with Original Medicare. Do not allow insurance agents to sell you #MedicareAdvantage. You would not need to sign up for it yearly if it were reliable. You don’t, with Original #Medicare. @SSWorks @ALaw202
She dumped Medicare Advantage, still healthy, she went to traditional Medicare & affordable Medigap.
Barbara’s Medicare Advantage left her with thousands of dollars to pay. She was still healthy and migrated to Traditional Medicare with an affordable Medigap plan.
MEDICARE ADVANTAGE SCAM EXPOSED: Kudos to NBC for the courage to show the real people consequences.
Insurance companies have saturated the airwaves, print media, and more with their farcical Medicare Advantage product. Kudos to NBC, however late, for bringing this report against one of their major advertisers.