Fear what is occurring at Univision. While Democrats are decidedly concerned about Biden tanking in the polls even with big recent Democratic wins, the bigger problem is Univision becoming a Latinofied Fox News.
Appearance on Univision discussing Houston Peace & Justice Center & Black History Month
I was honored to appear today on Univision Houston Channel 45’s program “Contigo with Grace Olivares.” We discussed Houston Peace and Justice Center, Black History Month, and Race.
Univision interviews Egberto Willies with Indivisible Houston
Indivisible Houston’s No Ban, No Wall, Affordable Care for All Rally was a resounding success with several speakers. I was interviewed by Univision in Spanish.
Senator Marco Rubio “Loser” & “A Token Slave Boy” Says Univision Assistant
While Republicans in their bid to show that they are inclusive are placing minorities like Marco Rubio in the forefront, it is essential to understand that it is a failing proposition for one specific reason; it is dishonest. Latinos and all other prideful minorities understand the pandering process. This type of pandering makes the problem […]