Mitt Romney’s convention speech had a lot of mistruths and distortions, but one of his central appeals to undecided voters was built on a fundamental lie. The truth is that since day one, President Obama’s political opponents — including Congressman Ryan — have been working to make him fail.
Republicans want Obama to fail more than they want America to succeed.
Obama does better when America does better, so Republican politicians have been sabotaging our recovery since day one. That’s like setting fire to the house, keeping your foot on the water hose, and telling everyone the firefighters did it. It’s the worst kind of politicians who keep voting against their own constituents’ interests — so their constituents will vote against the President.
On President Obama’s inauguration day in 2009, Republican leaders — including Romney’s VP pick Congressman Ryan — met to plot how they could sabotage and undermine the economy in order to make the President fail.
Republican leaders said they want the President to fail:
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
- Rush Limbaugh: "I hope he fails."
- Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann: "we’re hoping that President Obama’s policies don’t succeed."
- Last year alone, Washington Republicans tried to kill over 7 million jobs.
When asked about the potential for more job losses, Speaker John Boehner said, "so be it."
They threatened to shut down our government, which would have cost our economy billions.
They brought our nation to the brink of default by threatening not to pay America’s bills, and say they’ll do it again — even though the default crisis by itself almost derailed the recovery.
Their political brinkmanship brought us the Tea Party Downgrade, the first-ever downgrade of America’s perfect credit rating.
They didn’t even want the Federal Reserve to consider intervening to help our struggling economy.
Let’s remember — a month into his presidency, they refused to help our economy recover.
They unified in voting against the President’s American Jobs Act, which would create 2 million jobs, even though it’s based on proposals they have supported in the past.
If Republican politicians hadn’t pushed so hard to lay off our teachers, cops, and firefighters and block efforts to put Americans back to work fixing our roads and bridges, the unemployment rate could be down to 6% already.
And now, Republicans have nominated Mitt Romney for president, even though economic experts say that implementing all of his economic ideas would "push us deeper into recession and make the recovery slower."
Even Romney admits that massive spending cuts will “throw us into recession or depression" — but he supports them anyway.
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Belinda Brittain says
The GOP has to have a platform, one which they hope all of their followers won’t even know about. I have yet to hear any real evidence of what Mutt Romney and “Lying” Paul Ryan expect to do for this country. This article is right on point. It’s about power and money, not about this country or its citizens. As long as the Republicants continue to prosper, the hell with the rest of us. They won’t bring jobs, any more than they would let Obama try to. They will dig us deeper into a hole and will cover us up while we are still trying to breathe. Anyone foolish enough to vote for Mutt and the Liar deserve what they will get. From starting illegal wars in countries and trying to find a reason…well to protect our oil interests. Don’t know about you, but gas prices haven’t gone down significantly here, to finding out that George Sr. was friends with the Bin Laden family, etc. Wonder why GWB never found Osama Bin Laden? I don’t any more! Republicants never did do anything for this country, at least not in the almost 50 years I’ve been alive. We can only hope that people wake up on election day with a brain and a conscience and vote for what they really believe will be best for this country. Because I love this country, I could never vote for someone that would go against the majority. Am I better off since Obama took office? Absolutely! Can the economy continue to recover if Obama remains in office? Absolutely! Praying for a Democratic majority in Congress and the Senate as well. Untie the president’s hands and let him get the job done. Moving forward! No going back to failed policies and ideals of 60+ years ago. This isn’t a Leave It To Beaver world, so why elect someone that views it that way. Obama for 4 more!
jean mcknight says
Where can I get a sticker that says this?