Stop politicians from lying about Social Security
Robert Reich is stating something many progressive activists have been saying for years. The Social Security system has never really been in trouble. The problem with Social Security is that its sustaining tax has been biased towards the wealthy.
A few months ago I wrote the piece “Yes! Social Security must be expanded not cut. Now!” in which I said the following.
Many have been making the case to expand Social Security for some time. The country has the wealth to do so. The reality is that the Social Security tax rate could decrease and a retirement income one can live on paid. This will be covered in a subsequent post. The problem is no politician has the will to tax those that should be taxed, the wealthy. The middle-class made them and it is time for them pay the fees like any broker is paid his/her fees for his/her services.
It was refreshing to read the following passages in Paul Krugman’s article titled “Where Government Excels.”
Suddenly, it seems, many Democrats have decided to break with Beltway orthodoxy, which always calls for cuts in “entitlements.” Instead, they’re proposing that Social Security benefits actually be expanded.
This is a welcome development in two ways. First, the specific case for expanding Social Security is quite good. Second, and more fundamentally, Democrats finally seem to be standing up to antigovernment propaganda and recognizing the reality that there are some things the government does better than the private sector. …
Robert Reich explains the entire plan that would get us there in less than 3 minutes. All income must be subject to Social Security lest it represent preferential treatment to the wealthy where their income has a larger growth potential than the average American.
Whenever any politician irrespective of party begins talking about cutting Social Security, let it be known that we all know Social Security is solvent as long as everyone pays based on all of ones income. Politicians get away with the lies because they know few people know the realities. Help your fellow American and spread the word.
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