Romney poll bounce. Are Americans fickle? NO! They Are Scared sh*tless
While many of us fact check everything, most Americans do not have the time, desire, or energy to do so. They have grown up to looking at the TV (what I lovingly call the dummy tube) as a real source of information. As such they believe the person or entity that comes across more authoritatively and loud (and also the ones that continue to repeat the same thing over and over however untrue). After-all there was a time when journalists had gravitas. Those of us that are a bit older can still remember Walter Cronkite and those that are even older Edward Morrow. These guys were journalists and could be trusted.
Well most of the daily tracking polls now have all the post-debate data and Mitt Romney has decidedly gotten a bounce. The Gallup Daily Tracking Poll now has a 3 point race (President Obama 49% – Romney 46%).
The questions then become; did most Americans not know Mitt Romney in his own words expressed disdain for most of the middle class? Did most Americans not read the Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity that Mitt Romney has vowed to support where the safety net would be gutted or privatized? Did most Americans not realize that Mitt Romney represents the epitome of vulture capitalism where he extracts wealth from corporations and the middle class?
I believe the vast majority of Americans have heard these Romney “unfit for the presidency” deficiencies in some form or the other. Except for the 47% comment which appeared on video over and over with Romney’s voice and person the other truths about Romney may seem abstract in nature. America is a very forgiving country. After Mitt Romney morphed like a chameleon into the unchallenged fighter for the middle class in his debate and after a Fox News pseudo apology on his 47% comment, a scared America was a little bit more ready to give him a second look.
When one is scared their decisions are not rational, they are expedient. When one is hungry they will eat seeds now that would be better used to grow more seeds for a more bountiful and sustainable future. It will require leadership from the President, his surrogates, and all of you in the know to illustrate to your fellow Americans that we should not acquiesce to fear but to rational reasoning. Americans will be receptive if they are informed by those they trust and those who have earned their trust. It won’t be the mainstream media. It must be you.