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This Republican Wants Obamacare To Go Forward, Mandate A GOP Idea (VIDEO)

Jon Huntsman

John Huntsman on Meet The Press With David Gregory

Back in 2012 Jon Huntsman was likely the only Republican Democrats feared as being able to beat President Obama. The reason is that he is a pragmatic moral Conservative that does care about the working middle class.

During the 2012 election he simply did not fit in with the irresponsible candidates running for the Republican nomination. They were all running for President as if they were in an alternate state of reality. Remember these were the characters whose audience booed a gay soldier defending the country and cheered when Rick Perry was acknowledged as the governor of the state that executes the most. Most importantly were the intrinsic beliefs of Republicans towards those unable to purchase insurance. They cheered when asked if they should be allowed to die.

Today on Meet The Press with David Gregory 2008 Republican Primary Candidate Jon Huntsman came out in favor of letting Obamacare go forward. Moreover he admitted that not only  Democratic presidents but Republicans have been trying at healthcare reform. He even admitted that the individual mandate was a Heritage Foundation/Republican idea. In effect this Republican pulled the rug from under the intransigent obstructionists in his party.

Republican Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman: This is an example of how devices this debate has become. You got to remember when some of us were governors a decade ago, Republicans were trying to figure out how to crack the code on healthcare reform. The Heritage Foundation (Republican Think Tank) was advocating a mandate as part of overall healthcare reform.

Dee Dee Myers: And you supported that, didn’t you.

Jon Huntsman: Well we looked at expanding the marketplace which is exactly what the exchange is going to do. And so I say we have a law alright. Let’s recognize that. Now we’ve got the real world. People are going to be waiting this week to find a healthcare policy that fits their circumstance. That’s the real world. And the question from here on, the game, some of it politics, some of it implementation would be how do you make it work for real people across this country.

Jon Huntsman gets it. In fact his tonality seems to be that he wants it not simply because it’s the law of the land, but because it helps people. If this man could get through a Republican primary, he actually could be a viable presidential candidate that Hillary or any other Democrat would have to fear.

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