Governor Asa Hutchison (R-AR) replied to Chuck Todd with bubblingly silly answers to his mandates objection. Todd hit back.
Economist Larry Summers: Republican tax cut scam will kill 10,000 (VIDEO)
Economist Larry Summers points out a certainty with the GOP tax cut scam. If passed it will murder 10,000 of your fellow Americans.
Supreme Court puts religious bosses in control of women’s reproductive rights
Supreme Court rules in favor of Hobby Lobby The Conservative Supreme Court struck again. In a 5 to 4 decision it has ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, a closely held corporation. The New York Times reports the following. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-to-4 decision on Monday that requiring family-owned corporations […]
This Republican Wants Obamacare To Go Forward, Mandate A GOP Idea (VIDEO)
Back in 2012 Jon Huntsman was likely the only Republican Democrats feared as being able to beat President Obama. The reason is that he is a pragmatic moral Conservative that does care about the working middle class. During the 2012 election he simply did not fit in with the irresponsible candidates running for the Republican […]