Marijuana Can Get You Elected
If its New Rules and there is any angle to get it on the marijuana subject, Bill Maher will get you there. He did it again today. He actually displayed a pretty slick insight in his presentation. He was comedic yet convincing in the points he made.
He starts with Ted Cruz in his hunting gear. He contrasted it with John Kerry doing a similar stunt a few years previous. Maher says,
Only 6% of Americans now hunt and when civilized people like Mitt Romney and John Kerry pretended to, they made fools of themselves. I had the same reaction to John Kerry in this getup as I had to Ted Cruz And that reaction was, what a dick. Like many Americans this picture makes me less likely to vote for you and more likely to wish your hunting partner was Dick Chaney.
He is inferring that these politicians continue to pander to a smaller base as they ignore the coming avalanche of GenXs and GenYs. Politicians are behind the times. There are not moving in the direction the country is moving. Hunting within an X-Box game is much more accessible, less trouble, cleaner, and safer and likely more thrilling. That is what millennials do.
Bill Maher makes a play for both Conservatives and Liberals in language they each understand. He says,
If Republicans want to pass the torch to the next generation, they need to pass the torch. You say you are for freedom and for getting the government off our backs, why not embrace pot? You could own greed and weed. Legalizing it speaks to all the most hallowed Conservative principles like individual rights, deregulation, and of course taking jobs away from Mexicans.
He framed that in terms that define who they have become; greedy individualists with a touch of racist hate.
Now Maher threw a nugget for Liberals as well. He says,
Two thirds of Americans under thirty want it to be legal. These are the new voters. And by the time they are sixty five, they will expect weed to be covered by Medicare Part D.
Bill Maher closes his New Rules with what must be considered a warning to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. He speaks about millenials waiting for Democrats to ‘evolve’ as the President did on gay marriage. In effect he is warning about someone ‘stealing’ the position in support of marijuana legalization. Rand Paul has seen the light as many Democrats are evolving. That should be scary.
Bill Maher’s suggests to Hillary Clinton that she get board the train to legalize marijuana. If she does not then she will lose her base as she is outflanked by whoever adopts the position
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