Krystal Ball Continues To Urge A Elizabeth Warren Run
A couple of weeks ago Krystal Ball suggested on her Krystal Clear segment that Hillary Clinton should not run. Her contention was that Hillary Clinton was too close to Wall Street. She also scolded Hillary Clinton for implying it was fool hearted to pile on about the excesses of the titans of finance. Krystal Ball wanted Elizabeth Warren to run.
Krystal Ball’s essay was compelling enough that I wrote a DailyKOS front page essay supporting her position. I knew it would take a lot of incoming flak as well as support. In other words it led to a very healthy discussion. A day later DailyKOS founder/publisher Markos Moulitsas came out with a compelling analysis as to why Hillary Clinton is likely the only Democratic option this cycle. It is hard to argue with his analysis.
Krystal Ball was getting flak from both sides of the ideological divide. There was no difference to split. Both sides that were complaining simply believed she was too left. Interestingly she compared polling of the American population on various issues. It turns out Elizabeth Warren’s values are in fact the values of the vast majority of Americans. Additionally, Elizabeth Warren is a hell of a fundraiser.
I will be honest. I do not like the inevitability of any politician. I believe one must earn every vote in every election. I have been personally suggesting over the years that progressives settle for the best deal attainable. I suggested that with the Affordable Care Act sans public option. I suggested that with the budget deal sans repeal of Bush tax cuts.
Settling thus far has not stopped the decline of the working poor and working middle class. It has merely slowed it down. Sometimes settling is the only option. Sometimes settling is the easiest option. If it is the easiest option then it is time that we choose the difficult option and work hard to get the working poor and working middle class a champion. There is still a fight in my head deciding whether it’s the only option or the easiest option. The good thing is that there still a lot of time till 2016.
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