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Another Texas Cy-Fair teacher in allegedly inappropriate relationship w/student

Teacher Student inappropriate relationship

ABC13 KTRK is reporting that yet again another Houston Area Texas teacher has had an inappropriate relationship with a student. The alleged offender is a middle school teacher.

For the second time in as many weeks in the Houston area, allegations of another teacher having inappropriate contact with a student have come to light. This time it’s a female sixth grade teacher at Thornton Middle School in the Cy-Fair school district.

“I felt like a teacher had violated trust again and it’s my kid,” a mother told Eyewitness News. “Someone saw him at the school so they started digging into it.” …

She says the relationship between her son and his former teacher began about a year and a half ago when he was in eighth grade and just 13 years old. It was more than flirting or inappropriate touching. She calls it rape.

“It was too long, it was too filthy, and it was rape,” she said.

The relationship was discovered this past Friday after the mother says her son was interrogated for hours by school administrators.

Cy-Fair confirms that they are in fact investigating this story. They released the following statement.

“We are in the early stages of investigating the allegation and will be taking our direction from law-enforcement. Due to the serious nature of this allegation, the teacher has been removed from campus.”

Previous Texas teachers in improper relationship with students or in compromising situations.

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