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Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM – Stereotyping Islam hurts us all – Monday 9 PM CST

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Politics Done Right
with Egberto Willies

Tune in Monday 9:00 PM on KPFT 90.1 FM (Houston Area)
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Call (713) 526-5738 to talk to me on air.

Politics Done Right KPFT 90.1 FM Coffee Party, Medicare
This week’s show
Stereotyping Islam hurts us all
October 6th, 2014

I am a fan of Bill Maher. He has the canny ability to break through the minutia. His political acumen is generally very good and well thought out. He does however have a weak spot that he needs to correct.

Bill Maher has a following young and not so young. His display of a virulent Islamaphbia is something that Liberals of all stripes must call out and call out strongly.

Over the last several months his rhetoric has been over the top. It is not good for our country. Moreover, he is feeding into the Right Wing politics that have led our country astray.

Let’s get busy.

Give me a call at (713) 526-5738. That is 713-526-KPFT. Remember you can also send me a tweet to @egbertowillies. Let us engage. It is politics done right.

You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

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