Many cringe when the word White privilege is used. One likes to believe that America is a meritocracy. After all, President Obama proved America is now a post racial society. Right? Absolutely wrong.
Class & White privilege in action
Thanks to the advent of inexpensive cell phones with cameras and our state of surveillance, the mistreatment by police that has always been prevalent is in full view. What becomes visually obvious is that the outcomes from police encounters have an irrefutable racial and class component.
The White woman in the video had no fear in confronting police who apparently was harassing her Black employee for being seemingly in the wrong part of town, an upscale wealthy area.
Even before she made it known she was a lawyer, the police seemed genuinely afraid of her. They continued the contempt for the Black employee but was very respectful to her.
Contrast that with the confrontations captured above. The differences are stark.
Eric Garner was not immediately submissive to police. When they grabbed him he went into the standard hands up mode. He was placed in a choke hold and murdered by the police.
John Crawford III was on his cell phone walking around a Walmart with a BB gun sold at the store. Someone called police. They came guns ablaze and murdered him. These guys were carrying real guns in stores yet never feared having Crawford’s fate.
Michael Brown was walking home in the middle of the street unarmed. He had an altercation with police. While running away the police executed him as he ran away, shooting him multiple times even after he had already fallen.
Jamal Jones was fearful of police that had drawn guns on him after he reached for identification. They broke his window and assaulted him with a Taser.
Of course there are many other incidences. Apparently Charles Belk fits the description. Apparently Christopher Lollie fits the description. Levar Jones fits the description.
Is there any doubt police show a different level of restraint based on some factors?Is there any doubt class and White privilege are a fact in American society. Until this is overcome, America can never be the America everyone preaches it is.
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