The evil and draconian nature of Trumpcare, the AHCA written by Paul Ryan and his Ayn Randian cohort, may accelerate America’s necessary move to single-payer Medicare for all health care system.
Matthew Todd necessarily brings up single-payer
There was a time when single-payer would never leave the tongues of real TV pundits. Those days are now over as we are forced to converge on math.
“The health care system has been broken for more than 20 years, and it was broke before ACA,” Matthew Dowd said. “And it’s broke after ACA. And this fix, it’s is like going to a sick patient and giving them experimental treatment, and many experimental treatments hurt the patient. AHCA is going to hurt the patient. To me, no side is fundamentally addressing, and we need to actually ask the questions should we go to a single-payer system, because affordability hasn’t been fixed by this or ACA and accessibility…”
In effect, Dowd is making the argument that Obamacare does have some problems. Trumpcare will hurt people much more than any policy out there. As such it is the time to go to the next level. It is clear that the private sector does not have the answer.
Learn why Single-Payer/Medicare-For-All is our future. MSNBC’s Ali Velshi explained, that the free market simply does not work for health insurance, period. Chuck Todd recently pointed out that the AHCA decimates coverage for all but mostly to the Trump voter.
Call your Senators and Congressional Representatives every day and let them know you do not want the Affordable Care Act repealed. Also tell them they must support H.R. 676, Medicare-for-all. If you do not know how to get in touch with them, click here.
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