The Trump administration continues his trek to destroy the middle-class as he continues to give his populist speeches. His FCC has overturned the Obama-Era Net Neutrality rules.
CNBC Reports the following.
The FCC voted on Thursday to eliminate the Open Internet Order, better known as “net neutrality” regulations.
The decision will give more power to internet service providers (ISPs) to set pricing and prioritize different types of internet traffic.
“For those of you out there who are fearful about what tomorrow will bring, take a deep breath; this decision will not break the internet,” FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly said. “While repealing net neutrality rules grabs headlines … net neutrality started as a consumer issue but soon became a stepping stone to impose vastly more common carrier regulation on broadband companies.”
O’Rielly said he also hopes Congress considers supporting paid prioritization, specifically pointing to use-cases by autonomous vehicles and medical systems that could benefit from prioritized internet speeds.
If you do not know what Net Neutrality is or how this ruling will affect it here are two articles that should help.
Is Net Neutrality Really Necessary? You’re Damn Right!
The tenets of net neutrality are vital. All data packets are treated equally throughout the Internet. Specific services like streaming, file transfers, etc. cannot be restricted. Websites cannot be blocked by ISPs
Wakeup! You are about to lose access to the Internet as you know it (VIDEO)
The traditional news media has been a sham for some time now. Many have been warning for some time now that inasmuch as the news media and other outlets are controlled by the American Plutocracy, the average American citizen still had options. After all, we all continued to have equal access to the Internet.
That equal access allowed independent journalists, bloggers, and other providers of otherwise uncovered prescient information, the ability to provide real news to the public at large.
John Oliver wants you to do this to prevent Trump from destroying Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
Here it is in a nutshell: Abolish Net Neutrality. Cross our fingers that the phone and cable companies promise to be good.
Yeah, right. These are the same companies that promise to be at your house between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and don’t show up until the following week. The same companies that were caught repeatedly violating Net Neutrality before strong rules were on the books.1 The same companies that admitted that if it weren’t for Net Neutrality, they would discriminate against websites and content.
We must continue the fight in the courts and in the streets till this injustice is mitigated.
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