Cynthia Nixon, New York’s Gubernatorial Candidate, did not spare Cuomo’s failures at Netroots Nation 2018. In an interview with Politics Done Right, she stated that Andrew Cuomo is not a Progressive and in effect runs like a Democrat who governs like a Republican.
Interviewing Cynthia Nixon, New York Gubernatorial Democratic Candidate
Cynthia Nixon is a very aggressive Progressive who calls out Democrats who must be called out as she runs for Governor of New York. Cuomo drew her ire at Netroots Nation.
Nixon first stated what she intends to do when she gets into office.
“We are going to fix the New York City subway that has been so woefully underfunded,” Nixon said. “Delays have tripled under Andrew Cuomo. We have the worst on-time transit record of any subway system in the entire world. If we wait any longer it’s only going to get harder and more expensive to fix.”
Cynthia also said she has been fighting for school funding for over seventeen years. She wants the north of four billion dollars the state owes the schools. She wants to end cash bail given that 70% of people in jail are there because they cannot afford bail.
I asked Nixon why all those problems remained with Democrats in power. Her answer was stark.
“Well, because Andrew Cuomo is a governor who campaigns like a Democrat,” Nixon said. “But he governs as a Republican. He is not a Progressive at all and his history so far has been to incentivize Democratic Senators to actually go over and vote with the Republicans to block Progressive legislation.”
Nixon went on to express her support for Single-Payer Medicare for All. She reminded the audience that in fact, America is ranked last in the industrialized world because of our draconian health care system.
Speaking to Nixon, a real Progressive was refreshing. One hopes more folks jump into the fold. That is what it will take to change the country.
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Time for progressives in New York state.