Zephyr Teachout appeared on Politics Done Right at Netroots Nation 2018. She is running for Democratic Attorney General of New York. She gave a spirited interview detailing the corruption in New York and what she intends to do.
Zephyr Teachout on Politics Done Right
It seems like her hard work and persistence is paying off. The New York Times editorial board endorsed her recently.
The most important choice facing New York voters this fall is whom they will pick as their next state attorney general. The office could be the last line of defense against an antidemocratic president, a federal government indifferent to environmental and consumer protection and a state government in which ethics can seem a mere inconvenience.
Even in the best of times the office plays a critical role, policing fraud on Wall Street and ensuring enforcement of state and federal laws, from regulating the financial system to preventing employment discrimination. Its influence is felt across the nation. … \
From a refreshingly strong field competing in the Democratic primary, to be held on Sept. 13, the best candidate is Zephyr Teachout, an independent-minded lawyer unusually well prepared to curb abuses of power and restore integrity and pride to this office. Ms. Teachout waged a strong primary challenge against Mr. Cuomo four years ago, lending her additional credibility and distance from a governor who remains all too cozy with the donors, contractors, union leaders and influence peddlers who dominate Albany and beyond.
The office of attorney general has been held by a long line of formidable lawyers and strong, if at times deeply flawed, men. No woman has ever been elected to the position. Barbara Underwood, the current occupant, assumed office after Mr. Schneiderman’s resignation. Ms. Teachout lacks direct experience as a prosecutor but is equipped with legal firepower comparable to previous attorneys general.
It is clear from the interview that Zephyr Teachout is a true Progressive. Hopefully, she will start turning the state around.
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As a fellow New Yorker for 60 years but retired to SC for the past 14 yrs. I still have always remained interested in what is politically going on there. I am praying that Zephyr Teachout wins the election for Attorney General. We need an independent woman dedicated to abuses of power being eradicated.