Meghan McCain did not hold back in her eulogy for her father’s, Senator John McCain, memorial service. It was clear without even calling the President’s name, the disdain she had for the Commander in Chief. She said it with the warranted degree of anger.
Meghan McCain scorches President Trump in the eulogy to her dad
Meghan McCain was upset with President Trump, and the words within her eulogy made it clear she wanted it known.
Meghan first dissed the president for his rhetoric even not having served the country nor suffered in moving the country forward.
“John Sidney McCain III was many things,” Meghan McCain said. “We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing. Not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served.”
She then pointed out why some like the President resented John McCain.
“He was a great fire who burned bright,” Meghan continued. “A few have resented that fire for that light it cast upon them. For the truth, it revealed about their character. But my father never cared what they thought.”
Meghan then lashed out at the president’s core message by making it clear that there was no need to reshape America in Trump’s false greatness.
“The America of John McCain is generous and welcoming and bold,” Meghan said with anger erupting from her face. “She is resourceful and confident and secure. She meets her responsibilities. She speaks quietly because she is strong. America does not boast because she has no need to. The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”
Meghan McCain was very effective without once mentioning the President by name.
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Mehgan!! I know you are hurting!!And I know America is a great country!! But Trump is making it even greater in every way!! No hard feelings!!
BULLCRAP! Trump is robbing this nation blind, and giving the husk away to Vladimir Putin.There is NOTHING that Trump has done to improve things for ANYONE that is not either a billionaire, or Russian. MANY hard feelings for that FASCIST fraud in the White House!
Wow, real class act there. I know you don’t like the President and he did not like your father, frankly, neither did I or a whole lot of other people. Senator McCain was a very divisive figure in politics. Now I see why you are on that horrible horrendous show that anyone who has any intelligence does not watch, you are every bit as bad as those other women are, you belong on that show.
Oh, she’s “horrible” because she calls out that lying Cheeto for the FRAUD he is? I am no fan of John McCain, nor his daughter, but they are both head and shoulders above Don The Con in honor, integrity, courage, service and self sacrifice. That buffoon is embarrassing the nation, and disgracing the office he holds.
In her grief Meghan spoke the truth about a president who possesses no morals, as exhibited during his campaigning and yet people could still vote for him when his evil ways were staring them right in the face- with his despicable actions and words and terrible lies. Our country has been so sullied by this man. We and our children and their children will be heavily burdened by this administration’s deeds and all those who enabled them to continue in this vain.
But those who seriously worry about how are country is heading are running in large numbers and we will vote them in over those who only have their own self interests at heart. WE WILL VOTE FOR THOSE WITH A CONSCIENCE!