This is a somewhat longer than normal newsletter from Politics Done Right (PDR). Your time is valuable and I ask that you read it in its entirety. We thank you in advance
Many believe our goal is solely altruistic. It is not. Recently, we started testing streaming Politics Done Right to several networks concurrently. My mother, who now lives in California, saw it on her phone and asked what I was doing. I explained to her my intent. My mother knows I dropped my software company cold-turkey to do this. In her motherly
There are two ways to support Politics Done Right. You can give a one-time donation or you can subscribe at many different levels.
Donate here
2018 was a learning year for Politics Done Right (PDR). This was done while maintaining the commitment of writing two to six blog posts a day for our news/blog site and the Sunday Daily KOS front-page articles as one of their contributing editors. Most importantly we made sure to codify every move to do what is necessary to make things better for you.
PDR covered the March For Our Lives in DC early in the year and the Bridge Alliance in DC in the latter part of the year. We attended Netroots Nation 2018 (#NN18) in New Orleans where we interviewed north of forty-five Progressive politicians and activists. Of course, there was the Coffee Party USA board meeting in Michigan right after #NN18 where we planned our 2018-2019 year. Lastly, we cannot forget the multitude of local events including block walking, phone banking and interviewing our local Progressive candidates on PDR, most of whom won
- We will collaborate with other activist journalists from around the country to ensure the stories of all Americans are brought to light.
- We will continue to interview, promote, and deliver the messages of Progressive Politicians new and old. We were one of the firsts to predict the ascension of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
- Subscribers to Politics Done Right will have virtual meetings using Zoom where we will exchange ideas several times a month. You will have the opportunity to give us ideas for the program from the comfort of your home using your computer or smartphone.
- We will periodically have subscribers on air, and in our podcasts and videos.
- We will assist in disseminating and broadening local activists’ messages, actions and narratives.
- We are partnering with national activists to broaden their messages as we did at Netroots Nation 2018 and will beam them right to you via our media center.
- We will stream live on more networks: Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitch, Periscope, & more.
- Our videos are now on Instagram TV (IGTV) which should attract younger viewers.
- We will learn how to reach Gen Zs from Gen Zs themselves.
- We are integrating other shows with Politics Done Right and creating new ones. Growth and expansion are necessary to get this immensurable job done.
To be clear, there are many activists out there who have taken this path. I speak to them at every conference I attend throughout the country. You don’t have to give up a company as I did, but you can do your part by amplifying our narrative. Without your help, our democracy will erode away. In that light, I ask you to support this project. I have faith in us.
There are two ways to support Politics Done Right. You can give a one-time donation or you can subscribe at many different levels. As a perk, subscribers will be able to receive each new chapter of my new book “How To Make America Utopia” as they are released.
Donate here: PayPal
Subscribe here:
Again, please support Independent Progressive Media by supporting Politics Done Right. Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely,Egberto Willies
We started improving the quality of Politics Done Right by investing in new broadcast software (Wirecast) and hardware (several mixers, mics, and professional lighting). We also made sure we had a professional mobile component with wireless mics, new portable cameras, and additional cellular service for seamless integration on the road.
As a Progressive Activist Blogger/Host/Journalist, I know the most important component is you. It is you who we are working for with a responsibility to help lead the way to make things better.
You are critical in that equation. It is you who will make our job, the Independent Progressive Journalist/Blogger/Media possible.
Again please give a one-time donation or consider subscribing at many different levels. Remember, as a perk, subscribers get to peek at the new book I am writing “How To Make America Utopia” as I write each chapter.
Donate here:PayPal
Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and join the conversation for more insightful commentary and to support progressive messages. Together, we can populate the internet with progressive messages that represent the true aspirations of most Americans.
As Paypal is Am. oligarch Peter Thiel’s co. which advocates for the ultra wealthy (has proposed building an island for them so they can leave this country), I won’t support the use of PayPal. Who owns Patreon?
Thanks for considering supporting our work. Here is the info you requested on Patreon.
Patreon was founded in May 2013 by musician Jack Conte, who was looking for a way to make a living from his popular YouTube videos. Together with Sam Yam he developed a platform that allows patrons to pay a set amount of money every time an artist creates a work of art.
Type of site: Membership platform
Created by: Jack Conte; Sam Yam
Launched: May 2013; 5 years ago
Thanks Kindly,