Chuck Todd in a backhanded fashion, attempted to challenge the credibility of The Intercept by implying they are a stooge to Senator Bernie Sander’s campaign and progressives.
Chuck Todd slights The Intercept
“This is also about the progressives being divided on the left, which is a gift potentially to Joe Biden,” Chuck Todd said on the Meet The Press panel. “And the Sanders campaign worried about it, even floating through their favorite publication, The Intercept, the idea that, ‘Oh, they’ve researched that Elizabeth Warren could be both Treasury secretary and vice president.’ And you’re like, ‘That seems a bit ham-handed.'”
Notice that he refers to The Intercept as the Sanders campaign’s favorite publication. He then attempts to question their journalistic honesty by implying the Sanders campaign influences the tonality of articles in the news outlet.
Philip Rucker would then raise the alarm of the tenuous position the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren campaign are in because they have a similar base.
“You know, clearly both the Warren campaign and the Sanders campaign have a similar base of these progressive voters and if united could win the nomination,” said Philip Rucker. “And this division we’re seeing right now is so dangerous to both of them. Because if Bernie Sanders takes off in Iowa, which the polling there seems to suggest may be happening on the ground, how’s he going to win over those Warren supporters if they’re in this feud right now?”
Suffice it to say it is much too early to make the argument as to how different bases will split. After all, there are four centrist that share similar bases, Former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former mayor Mike Bloomberg. That could be a nastier split as convergence move away from Biden who is likely to falter even as the mainstream media and powers continue to provide a depleting IV drip to keep him undeservedly ahead.
It is all about narrative. We cannot allow them to have us take our eyes off the ball.
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Egberto, this is a note of encouragement to you. I appreciate your Chuck T versus Bernie/Intercept entry, which I read on Daily Kos. However, I also read the readers’ insults and condescension, so I thought you should know that some appreciation of your work still exists. I imagine that this note would be unnecessary if Daily Kos hadn’t banned those who are unenthusiastic about identity politics, which makes endorsements of your work less likely.
Thank you so kindly and appreciated.